Employer Articles

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How to Keep Your Employees Motivated

Summary: One of the most difficult tasks managers and HR individuals have to push through on a near daily basis is keeping their employees motivated within their jobs.

Bonuses vs. Perks

Summary: What are some types of appreciation, other than money, that a company can give its employees in future work seasons?

EmploymentCrossing’s Top 10 Most Popular Articles of 2017 for Employers

Summary: What issues concern you most with future hiring in 2018? Based on the top 10 most read articles of 2017, it appears employee satisfaction is a top priority.

The Gig Economy Effect

Summary: What effect has the gig economy had on the workforce as a whole? Find out in this article.

The Value of Continuous Performance Check-ins

Summary: Why are continuous performance check-ins so valuable to businesses? Find out in this article.

When Downsizing Is Unavoidable

Summary: Learn why downsizing is often unavoidable in these articles.

How to Start Your Business Off on a Clean Slate with the New Year

Summary: The time has now come to focus on the 2018 calendar to help your organization perform the best it can.

What to Do about Holiday Bonuses

Summary: Holiday bonuses can be a tricky process for a business. Consider this advice for giving that perfect employee the perfect holiday bonus.

5 Reasons Why Advertising Job Openings Online in December Can Get You the Best Candidates

Summary: Should you look for new hires in December? Only if you are interested in finding excellent candidates.

Efforts Required For Data Gathering

Use for data not decided first many a data-gathering effort has been like poking in a haystack to try to find the needle. The effort is excessively lengthy, it gathers data that will not be used, job analyses challenge workers unnecessarily.

Should You Include Data Reporting Duties in a Job Description?

Job analyses, and job description preparation, if properly executed, can be expensive-at least until a system for gathering data and preparing JDs is established.

Do You Know How to Use a Job Description?

Job descriptions are not adhered to. Incumbents must be thoroughly schooled and motivated to provide truthful data. This may require extensive orientation about the analysis.

The Function of Job Descriptions in Maintaining Organizational Control

Quality and consistent structure in person specs, performance evaluation instruments, and job factor sheets can, therefore, not be obtained. Rather than use such JDs, they are ignored and efforts, independent of consideration of the job descriptions, are made to develop person specs, performance evaluation instruments, and job factor sheets.

Why You Shouldn’t View Job Descriptions As Limiting Change

Job descriptions alone are of little value for measuring performance. They tell what areas to look at in evaluating performance but not how to measure it.

9 Common Problems You Might Be Facing With Your Job Descriptions

It was just stated that job descriptions fail to cover general responsibilities that apply across many workers. But it is perhaps even more common and more of a problem when JDs do not reflect adequately the uniqueness of each different position.

How to Write All-Encompassing Job Descriptions for Any Position

Job descriptions usually leave out discussions of the independent authority that can be exercised by the jobholder. What kinds of decisions can the incumbent make without navigating through the checks and balances of higher authorities and supervisors?

Common Problems Faced During the Job Description Process

In practice, considerable problems exist with respect to job description use and preparation. They are neither used properly nor nearly as fully as they could be.

5 Places to Begin When Preparing A Job Description

Do not reinvent the wheel every time you are faced with the task of preparing a job description. Often old job descriptions will exist. They may be grossly out of date and out of touch with reality, but they can still provide valuable data or suggestions on where to focus a job analysis study.

4 Organizational Methods for Workforce Management

Good supervisors make work plans and keep these plans in some written form. Notebooks are frequently used for recording non-recurring as well as recurring delegated assignments with expected completion dates.

Doing the Work Yourself – 4 Ways to Gather First Hand Knowledge about a Job

You can either do all the work yourself or serve in an apprentice or assistant role. This takes time and, therefore, is costly, but it gives the analyst a better real feel for the job than any other mechanism.