published August 17, 2013

By Sandra Charet

How Job Posting Has Been Affected by Technology

How Job Posting Has Been Affected by Technology

  1. It created the "black hole" where most everyone says "I'm perfect for the job but I never heard from them."
  2. At first it was great because companies could post jobs and reach people that they never could reach before. But it's just a little too easy to "press enter" so what came next was HUNDREDS of responses to a job ad making it very difficult for everyone to be considered and impossible to respond to everyone.
  3. Hundreds of responses to posts meant that the hiring manager fancies that they can get EXACTLY what they're looking for so disqualifies everyone else and looks for someone who has exactly what they want on paper. We have a phenomenon today where so many people are out of work and so many employers complain that they can't find the right people for the job. That's a crazy disconnect.
  4. Because posting a job ad and getting a hundred responses gives the appearance that it's so easy, clients often want to try to fill a job themselves first. So they advertise it and after several months of wasted time with the wrong people, they finally come to the headhunter, but they are frustrated and the need to hire at this point is critical.

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